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It gets a little repetitive for me after a while, but it's fun nonetheless. The sense of urgency to maintain your fire was well signaled with the darkness closing in.

I had a lot of fun with this one. I really like the concept and I'm going to come back to it and try to get all the items.

My only 2 complaints is being able to pick up items when a you already have one, and having the 2nd one just disappear. I'd rather just not be able to pick it up. The 2nd is it almost needs a really brief immunity period after getting hit. Doesn't even have to be more than half a second, but I died because I got stuck on an enemy and it just ate the last quarter of the health bar almost instantly.

I love this overall! I'd play a full released version of this easily. I already want to play more now! Great job!

That was great! Really intense and overall just a lot of fun!
Very cool approach to the theme, keeping the darkness away with the campfire gave a feeling of panic and emergency like i've never felt before, i'll be looking forward to your next game!

I had fun with this one! I really like the concept of maintaining the fire to counteract the shrinking play area. Found it a bit hard to aim the throws at enemies, but got the hang of it pretty fast. Charming game, good job! 👏

Cute game, and the enemies have a satisfying death effect!

Found the text quite hard to read, and didn't really understand the red oval thing chasing me but other than that had a good time.

This was lovely! The artstyle was charming and I really enjoyed how minimal and easy-to-read the UI was. It feels like a really nice gameplay loop that can be expanded upon super well. I would have liked the spawning system for the items to be tweaked slightly so that items don't disappear as I'm going to collect them. I really liked the music and sfx as well! I would say the exploding enemy's beeping noises were slightly jarring, albeit they certainly conveyed the "this is going to explode" message across VERY well. Good work and best of luck!

UI is clean and aesthetically comfy. Gameplay is fun,  creeping darkness was a great call on interpretation of shadows.  Great job making something complete and playable before the deadline! 

Nice, fun prototype!

Things I liked: 

-liked the mechanic of having to maintain the fire and watch out for health at the same time

-visual effect of encroaching darkness and the feeling of the arena becoming more cramped

Things I wanted:

-ability to carry multiple items at once

-picking up items automatically when walking over them

Keep up the good work!